Amethyst Bouquet

This Amethyst Bouquet is hand-tied and made up lovingly by one of our Blooming Haus florists and delivered to you or your loved one by our specialised delivery company.


Composed of Lilac Clematis, Stock and Alliums.


Amethyst is a quartz crystal symbolising strength, and power. It is considered to be the most powerful and protective of all stones. The power of amethyst is represented with a blend of violets, purples and lilacs of clematis and stock.


*We reserve the right to substitute flowers with other varieties of the same or higher monetary value should some blooms not be available.


For special requests, please contact us directly.


We fund a tree to be planted with every order, learn more here.

£89 - 195

£89 inc. VAT
£145 inc. VAT
£195 inc. VAT

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