Mother’s Choice Bouquet

Introducing "Mother's Choice," a bouquet that is sure to delight your beloved mother on her special day. Handcrafted with the finest, hand-flexed blush roses and fragrant blush lilacs, this bouquet is a true testament to your love and appreciation for the most important woman in your life.

As part of our commitment to sustainability, this bouquet comes nestled in luxurious, petal-soft bags made from recycled materials, and wrapped in compostable cellophane wrapping, acid-free tissue paper and cotton ribbons. It is also delivered by our trusted delivery partners to ensure it arrives at your mother's doorstep in perfect condition.

Available exclusively for Mother's Day, "Mother's Choice" comes in two different sizes. And, to make this gift even more special, we offer the option to add a personalised note at checkout, so you can express your feelings in your own words.

Blooms: Hand-flexed blush roses and fragrant blush lilacs.

Order "Mother's Choice" today and show your mother how much you love and appreciate her.


We fund a tree to be planted with every order, learn more here.

£125 - 245

£125 inc. VAT
£175 inc. VAT
£245 inc. VAT

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