Your Ultimate Guide To Growing An Organic Garden (2023)
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Your Ultimate Guide to Growing an Organic Garden


Your Ultimate Guide to Growing an Organic Garden

1 year ago

Your ultimate guide to growing your own organic garden is here – brought to you by Michal and Michael, co-founders at Blooming Haus.

Summer is in full swing and there’s never a better time to get stuck into gardening; it’s good for the soul!

We’ve been organically gardening in our grandmother’s garden since childhood, and it’s a set of practices that’s grown and stayed with us ever since.

If you’re looking to develop healthier garden habits, you’re in the right place.

We’ve boiled down our years of experience into one ultimate guide for you to come back to time and time again. Discover our top tips for the best results.

We hope you find it useful!

If you have any thoughts or questions, let us know in the comments below and we will be here to answer.

Happy gardening!

Growing an Organic Garden – What You Should Know

1. What Makes an Organic Garden?

The idea behind organic gardens is to use natural materials and avoid chemicals and anything derived from fossil fuels.

Gardening in this way reduces pollution and protects local wildlife.

If you’re getting started growing an organic garden, you should avoid synthetic pesticides and weedkillers and use natural methods instead.

These natural methods include the use of manure and fertiliser created from animal and plant waste.

Relying on non-synthetic techniques helps you create a healthy and balanced ecosystem.

And any produce you grow will be healthy and safe to eat.
Caring for the soil is a major feature of organic gardening.

Organic gardeners feed the soil naturally, and the soil then feeds the plants.

This process differs from traditional gardening, which relies more on feeding plants directly while oftentimes destroying the soil’s natural biodiversity.
Increasing the amount of organic matter in the soil is essential to growing an organic garden.

Using compost and fresh manure is the best way to make this happen.

Healthy soil full of organic matter is the foundation for a successful organic garden.

2. How is Organic Gardening Good for the Environment?

Organic gardening is a more sustainable alternative to traditional methods.

The lack of chemical pesticides and fertilisers means there’s no run-off that can damage wildlife and cause health issues for humans if it gets into the water supply.

Organic gardens also have a wider variety of plants and vegetables, creating a more diverse environment for wildlife.
Most importantly, the whole ethos of organic gardening is to work within nature’s natural cycles and systems.

So, there are no damaging disturbances.

This holistic approach means that organic gardeners work with nature to manage pests and weeds while encouraging and supporting wildlife, including butterflies, hedgehogs, and bees.
We relate to organic gardeners because working with nature and protecting the world around us are our passions.

This is why we employ sustainable working practices such as:

– Using green energy to power our studio.
– Composting our organic waste.
– Using a fleet of electric vehicles
– Reusing flower buckets and delivery packaging
– Using probiotic cleaning products.


We know how important trees are to the environment, so we spread the word in journal entries like this.

Do Trees Improve Air Quality in Urban Areas?

And we’re incredibly proud of our tree-planting efforts.

Through our partnerships with Ecologi, The National Forest, Woodland Trust, and Trees for Cities, we plant 100s of trees in the UK and internationally.

Every time you buy something from our shop, we fund a tree to be planted in your name.

3. The Principles of Growing an Organic Garden

There are several principles behind creating an organic garden.

Five of these principles are the main focus.

Understanding them helps with knowing what to do and what to avoid.

Creating healthy soil

We mentioned earlier how essential healthy soil is to successful organic gardening.

If your soil is poor, your plants won’t grow.

To build and maintain the health of the soil in your garden:

– Add compost you’ve created yourself following tips like these from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).
– Minimise digging to prevent disturbance of the complex soil life.
– Grow green manures like alfalfa, fenugreek, and buckwheat.

Encouraging biodiversity

When you’re growing an organic garden, including different species encourages interdependency between plants and wildlife.

A biodiverse environment with a variety of vegetables, flowers, shrubs, and trees provides food and shelter for insects, birds, and mammals.

So, your garden can create natural balance and look amazing too…

Using resources sustainably

Organic growers reduce the amount of waste they produce and reuse and recycle items.

This sustainable use of resources is something we feel strongly about at Blooming Haus.

Every aspect of our design process pays strict attention to detail and promotes sustainability.

We recycle and reuse items.

And we reduce waste by giving away our displays when commercial projects are complete.

An added bonus is that this spreads the joy of flowers to more people.
Plus, we fund a tree to be planted in the name of all wedding clients we work with and one to be planted each year we work with ongoing corporate clients.

This is our way of helping the planet and thanking our clients.

Get in touch to learn more about our unique, sustainable, and beautiful floral designs.

Call us on 020 3389 9609 to set up a consultation.

Or, send an email to

Avoiding chemicals that can damage the environment

Using toxic chemicals to kill weeds isn’t part of organic gardening because chemicals damage the health of the soil and birds and animals that live in your outdoor space.

Pesticides cause the same problems.

These synthetic solutions pollute the environment and adversely affect valuable pollinators like bees and butterflies.

So avoid spraying them when you start growing an organic garden.

Keeping your garden healthy

Keeping the growing area healthy is one of the most important organic growing principles.

The health of an organic garden is protected by:

– Keeping the soil in good condition
– Sourcing healthy plants to grow
– Practicing good hygiene


Watching for problems with plants like the one below so you can deal with them immediately.
Understanding these principles is the first step to becoming an organic gardener.

You should also ensure you have the right tools and resources in place.

We’ll look at this aspect of growing an organic garden next.

4. What Do You Need for an Organic Garden?

If you’re starting as an organic gardener, you’ll need to invest in the basics.

Your shopping list should include the following:

– Organic seeds
– A container for compost
– Eco-friendly plant containers
– Earthworms
– Plants
– A watering can
– Trowel
– Spade
– Hoe
– Fork
– Organic fertiliser if you’re not going to make your own

How much does an organic garden cost?

Like any garden, you can spend a lot creating an organic growing space.

However, you should be able to start your garden for as little as £40 with a maximum cost of around £1,150 for the basics.

The ongoing costs of an organic garden are low as you don’t have to pay for natural methods of fertilisation and protection against pests.

5. Getting Started Growing an Organic Garden

Thinking of growing an organic garden and stressing over getting it right?

Don’t panic.

It’s not that difficult to create an organic growing space.

Just remember the simple cycle.

You feed the soil – the soil feeds the plants – the plants feed you (if you’re growing produce to eat).

Anyone, from kids to older people, can garden organically.

It’s easy and fun; we’ll show you how to start.

Test the soil

Before you plant anything, test the soil in your garden.

You can get a DIY testing kit or send a sample to a laboratory.

Having the test results gives you valuable information about the condition and pH of your soil.

This article from the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) is a good read.

It gives you more information about why soil tests are important.

Create a compost heap or bin

Well-made compost is the key to a successful organic garden.

So, creating a compost heap or bin is essential.

Once you’ve set up your heap or bin, it’ll give you an excellent source of organic matter that you can add to the soil to boost biological activity, create healthier plants, and suppress diseases.

Follow this advice from the Soil Association to create a compost heap or bin for your organic garden.

Buy seeds and plants

If you want to grow plants from seed, choose organic seeds.

You should be able to check this by reading the packet.

If you prefer to purchase transplants, make sure they’ve been raised organically.

Aside from ensuring your seeds and plants are organic, you should consider companion planting when purchasing.

This process involves growing plants together that are mutually beneficial to each other.

For instance, companion planting helps to prevent disease and deter pests.

Companion planting is most useful when growing vegetables, but some ornamental plants, such as roses, also benefit.

A couple of common plant combinations to consider are placing beans with aphid-deterring nasturtium plants and locating alliums close to carrots to ward off carrot root flies.

For more inspiration about companion planting combinations, check out this article from Gardeners World.

Plant Your Garden

Use a blend of around 60% of topsoil and 40% of compost when you start planting.

This blend gives your plants the ideal combination of minerals and organic matter.

As you’re new to organic gardening, it’s a good idea to use raised beds to make growing and harvesting easier.

If you choose to use raised beds, build them on bare ground.

Doing this makes it easy for worms to invade and colonise and allows water to drain from the soil.

You can also use pots for growing as long as they have sufficient holes for drainage.

You’ll also need to change the soil in pots every two years to maintain nutrient levels.
Grouping flowers tightly reduces water waste and weeding.

Leave spaces between rows to allow air to circulate, preventing fungal attacks.

Think about harvesting when planting and ensure you don’t have to tread on soil and other plants.

Also, consider how much plants will grow and whether thinning will be necessary to prevent overshadowing.

Water your garden

Water plants in your organic garden in the morning when less water will be lost to evaporation.

It’s also worth mentioning that watering them later in the day means they remain damp overnight, leaving them susceptible to fungal and bacterial diseases.

Always water the roots of plants and keep water away from foliage if possible.

If you’re growing plants from seed, you’ll need to water the seeds and the seedlings each day before you plant them out.

The same applies to any transplants you buy.

Once plants are established, watering them once or twice a week encourages them to develop deeper roots.

Quick tip

When watering plants, use rainwater or water close to air temperate to reduce the risk of shock to foliage.

Keep weeds under control

Some weeds can be tolerated in an organic garden as they attract pollinators.

However, some control is necessary to stop them from smothering other plants.

You can use mulch to make it less likely that weeds will grow.

But you’ll still need to remove weeds manually.

Removing weeds as soon as they appear with your hands or a hoe is easier.

Once they become established, weeds are harder to get rid of.

For more advice about dealing with weeds in an organic garden, see this information from Garden Organic.

Protect your organic garden from pests naturally

An assault by pests can be a sign of problems with your plants.

So, check they have enough nutrients, light, and water.

You should also ensure your organic garden is as diverse as possible so it attracts a range of natural predators such as frogs, bats, and birds.

These predators are superheroes in the fight against damaging pests.

Our favourite garden hero is the ladybird which munches on pesky aphids.

Some of these pretty insects eat plants, but they’re always more beneficial than damaging.

The companion planting we mentioned earlier also works to deter pests, as does netting.

Take some time to read our journal entry for more advice about natural pest control in your garden.

Did You Know You Can Use Plants as Natural Pest Control in Your Garden? Here’s how.

Pay attention to sanitation

Keeping your organic garden free from debris promotes healthy growth.

You should also remove sickly and dead plants as soon as you can.

And never work in your garden when the plants are wet, as you can spread diseases if you do.

Keep a close eye on your garden

Never assume your organic garden will be fine if you leave it for a few days.

It’s a good idea to look at your outside space daily and check for any problems.

Leaves are a good indicator of issues.

Check underneath them for insect eggs and examine them for brown edges, black or white spots, curling, or yellowing.

Identifying problems quickly gives you a better chance of resolving them.
Once you’ve begun growing an organic garden, you must continuously care for it.

There are some tips to help you do this successfully that we’re going to introduce you to now.

6. Tips for Growing an Organic Garden

We’re excited to share some organic gardening tips with you.

These tips will help you succeed with your garden and make producing amazing flowers and vegetables easier.

Rotate what you plant

If you have an organic garden, growing the same crop each year can remove essential nutrients from the soil.

When this happens, pests and diseases can increase.

Rotating crops helps prevent this.

It’s also worth mentioning that using certain crops, like potatoes, with more foliage blocks light from weed seedlings.

Make use of mulch

Mulches are magic for organic gardens.

They mimic what happens naturally in woodland when leaves fall and cover the ground in autumn.

Using a mulch suppresses weeds, conserves moisture, and feeds the soil.

You can choose from different mulch options such as leafmould, rotted manure, and homemade compost.

Watch out for slugs and snails

The number of slugs and snails in your organic garden will change yearly.

Some years these garden pests won’t be a problem.

However, there’ll be times when you need to control slugs and snails in your garden.

You should never use slug pellets that contain metaldehyde because they’re dangerous to hedgehogs and other wildlife.

But you can use organic pellets.

Wooden pellets that deter slugs and snails are also available, and some organic gardeners place copper tape around pots to act as a deterrent.

Have questions about growing an organic garden?

Want some more advice about growing an organic garden?

We’ll help if we can.

Just pop your question in the comments.

We’d also advise you to visit the RHS and Gardeners World websites, where you’ll find useful advice and information.

7. Other Journal Entries You May Find Useful

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